State highway aid allows Potsdam to increase road maintenance budget

Posted 5/23/24

POTSDAM -- State aid for town highways in the form of CHIPS funding and other programs has finally come in for the town of Potsdam and other municipalities. 

The Potsdam town board made …

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State highway aid allows Potsdam to increase road maintenance budget


POTSDAM -- State aid for town highways in the form of CHIPS funding and other programs has finally come in for the town of Potsdam and other municipalities. 

The Potsdam town board made adjustments to its budget at its meeting May 16 to accommodate the new numbers. 

The town's annual road and highway maintenance funding allotment from the state Department of Transportation ended up being higher than what was anticipated when the town’s highway budget was initially crafted.

The state has allotted $426,901.48 in CHIPS funding, $99,984.82 in PAVE NY funding, $85,395.97 in EWR funding, and $66,256.54 in POP funding, a total of $677,938.81, for Potsdam.

The money is to be used for repairs and rehabilitation of town roads.

The town council had originally budgeted for only $394,824.98 in the 2024 budget since it was unknown at the time due to state budget delays what amount of grant funding would be distributed to the municipality.

The resolution the board will consider will increase the highway maintenance line by an extra $283,113.83 to a total of $677,938.81.