
Slideshow: Norfolk-Norwood at Empires

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Twelve Norfolk-Norwood Figure Skating Club members competed at the 2025 Empire State Winter Games in Lake Placid Jan. 31 and Feb. 1. From left, in front, Emalee, Megan, Alicia, Reagan, Violet. …

Stefanik stops in Ogdensburg on farewell tour

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Rep. Elise Stefanik held  a farewell event at the Gran View in Ogdensburg on Saturday where she offered appreciation to her supporters and constituents. Among those attending were …

Hoop History: VanWagner sinks Section X scoring record

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Potsdam Central sophomore Ian VanWagner broke the boys’ Section X scoring record last night, tallying 21 points in a victory over Ogdensburg Free Academy. VanWagner, who surpassed the record in …

BOCES grant to help students in need

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A total of $1.1 million was awarded to St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES three years ago to distribute food, clothing and supplies to students in need in local districts. BOCES officials hope the program will …

On hand for a recent defibrillator donation from the Town of Norfolk to the Norfolk Fire Department were, from left, Fireman and Highway Superintendent Peter Darabon, Councilman Travis Villnave, Fire …

Norfolk winery keeps creative spirit

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Supporting local food businesses is possible, even in the depths of winter at Bregg’s Winery on Main Street in Norfolk on the Raquette River. In 1926, Martin Bregg’s Hungarian …

SLC Firefighter of the Year

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Mark Bomyea, on the left, was named the St. Lawrence County Fire Chiefs Association (SLCFCA) 2024 Firefighter of the Year at an association dinner on Jan. 16. Bomyea is pictured with Jeff Hammond, …

Five generations in Norwood

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Five generations recently gathered in Norwood. Pictured above are Dorothy Deon, Debra Kimble, Ryan Brothers, Brennin Snyder and Jenlin Snyder. Photo submitted by Jaime Brothers.

Brasher youth completes Eagle Scout Project

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Sophia Guerard of Brasher is pictured with her two hygiene wellness centers she created for her Eagle Scout Project. See story here . Submitted photo.

Seaway Valley Seniors celebrate

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The Seaway Valley Senior Citizens Club of Louisville, Madrid, and Waddington held their second annual Winter Wonderland holiday luncheon in December at the Madrid Community Center. Members …

Catching up on the news in Norwood

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Judah Reardon, 2, takes a break from Christmas activities in Norwood to enjoy the latest edition of North Country This Week. Photo submitted by Emily Lennox.

Christmas elf and Mrs. Claus visit Norfolk

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A Christmas elf and Mrs. Claus visits with Chris Planty, left, and Sara Brasier at the Norfolk Food Pantry during Norfolk’s Holly Jolly Christmas events Dec. 14. NCNow photo

Mrs. Claus attends Norfolk’s Holly Jolly Christmas

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Kenneth and Jaxon Chambers enjoy donuts and hot cocoa with Mrs. Claus at the Norfolk Food Pantry during Norfolk’s Holly Jolly Christmas events Dec. 14. NCNow photo

Slideshow: Firefighter honored in Norfolk

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NORFOLK — Members of 20 fire, rescue and police departments honored a 54-year member of the Norfolk Volunteer Fire Department on Monday. Thaddeus P. “Ted” Coller, 77, of …

Norwood snackpack program receives donation

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The Sons of the Norwood American Legion (SAL) recently donated $500 to the Norwood-Norfolk Central School Snack Pack Program from the Ronald J. Tuper Memorial Trust Fund. The program provides food to …

Norwood Kiwanis selling Christmas trees

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Kris Kringle (Henry Walters), a member of the Norwood Kiwanis Club was on hand Saturday, December 1 to sell Christmas trees with Norwood Kiwanis President Patti Dean. The Norwood Kiwanis club is …

Quilt raffle fundraiser to benefit Brasher library

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Friends of the Badenhausen Public Library are raffling off a handmade quilt to raise funds for the library. Read more here . Photo submitted by Michelle Collins.

Altar and Rosary Society pre-Thanksgiving pie sale

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The ladies of the Altar and Rosary Society of the Parish of Visitation, Norfolk, held a Pre-Thanksgiving Pie Sale fundraiser. Pictured making the pies, from left, around table: Tracy Lamica, Peggy …

Norwood Santa poses with Potsdam boy

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Brian Muldowney, Potsdam,  poses for a photo with Santa, a.k.a. Randy Phelix, at the Holiday Fair, held at the Norwood Municipal Building on Saturday, Nov. 2. NCNow photo

Wins new crossbow

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The Sons of the Norwood American Legion (SAL) 2nd Vice Brad Sharlow sold the winning crossbow ticket to Troy Brue (center). Pictured, from left, SAL Chaplain Mike Tuper, SAL member Paul Wells, Raffle …

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