NorthCountryNow is owned by North Country This Week Inc., PO Box 975, 4 Clarkson Ave., Potsdam, NY 13676. William C. Shumway, president; Cheryl T. Shumway, secretary-treasurer.

NorthCountryNow.com is produced by the combined efforts of the following staff members:

News Editor:
Jimmy Lawton jimmy@northcountrynow.com, 315-265-1000 ext. 26

Assistant Editor/Reporters:
Matt Lindsey matt@northcountrynow.com, 315-265-1000 ext. 31
Adam Atkinson adamda@northcountrynow.com 315-265-1000, ext. 28
Paul Mitchell pmitchell@northcountrynow.com, 315-265-1000 ext. 24
Jeff Chudzinski jeff@northcountrynow.com, 315-265-1000, ext. 36

Cheryl Shumway cheryl@northcountrynow.com

Weekend Editor:
Betsy Gabel

John Basham john@northcountrynow.com, 315-265-1000 ext. 25
Amanda Hitterman amanda@northcountrynow.com, 315-212-1000 ext 34
Lindsay Walrath lindsay@northcountrynow.com, 315-265-1000 ext. 33
Julie Spadaccini julie@northcountrynow.com, 315-265-1000 ext. 22

Classified Ads:
To Place An Ad classifieds@northcountrynow.com, 315-265-1000 ext. 23

Production Manager:
Cathy Whalen cathyw@northcountrynow.com, 315-265-1000 ext. 32

Production Associates:
Debbie Morgan debbie@northcountrynow.com, 315-265-1000, ext. 35
Georgia Schiavone georgia@northcountrynow.com, 315-265-1000 ext. 23

Bill Shumway bill@northcountrynow.com, 315-265-1000 ext. 21