SLC District Attorney, local law enforcement to receive portion of funds seized by federal agencies

Posted 1/10/24

CANTON — St. Lawrence County law enforcement agencies and the District Attorney's office are set to receive a share of funds seized by federal agencies in St. Lawrence County after legislators …

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SLC District Attorney, local law enforcement to receive portion of funds seized by federal agencies


CANTON — St. Lawrence County law enforcement agencies and the District Attorney's office are set to receive a share of funds seized by federal agencies in St. Lawrence County after legislators approved a resolution to sign off on the Federal Equitable Sharing Program. 

Legislators approved the resolution during the Jan. 8 Operations Committee meeting. 

According to St. Lawrence County District Attorney Gary Pasqua, the funds are part of a recurring program that is awarded every January and February. 

Pasqua said he applies every year through an electronic program, giving the county access to the seized assets. 

“Whenever federal law enforcement agencies seize any money in a federal investigation in St. Lawrence County, my office has any nexus to that. They share that with my office, as well as local law enforcement agencies,” Pasqua told legislators. 

The funds, which are seized by agencies like Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), come from busts that occur within the county throughout the calendar year, Pasqua said. 

Legislators and the chairman of the legislature work in conjunction with Pasqua to keep track of the funds and to ensure the application is submitted and approved on time to ensure the flow of funds, he said. 

“The chairman has to sign off every year. This resolution needs to be done so that when I go and fill out that paperwork before March 31 we can say we’ve met as a group,” Pasqua said. 

The resolution now moves to the full board for approval in February.