Indian Creek Nature Center is celebrating 50 years of conservation education

Posted 5/27/24

RENSSELAER FALLS — Indian Creek Nature Center is celebrating 50 years of nature study and education! With miles of trails in diverse habitats, it continues to provide programs to the community …

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Indian Creek Nature Center is celebrating 50 years of conservation education


RENSSELAER FALLS — Indian Creek Nature Center is celebrating 50 years of nature study and education! With miles of trails in diverse habitats, it continues to provide programs to the community and to students from across St Lawrence County. 

The Center is located on County Route 14 near Rensselaer Falls and borders on Indian Creek which flows through the Upper and Lower Lakes Wildlife Management Area.  

The Center came into being through efforts begun in 1972, when a group of educators and other interested parties came together and established the North Country Conservation Education Associates, Inc.

Their goal was to excite everyone about nature and science.

The group reviewed a number of sites throughout the county before choosing Indian Creek as the home of the conservation education center.

On June 6, 1974 an agreement was signed with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, securing the lease of approximately 300 acres of land and establishing the Nature Center.

An additional 20 acres was added at a later date.

On Saturday, June 8 at 3:00 p.m. the Nature Center will have a 50th year anniversary dedication of the reconstructed observation platform, all are welcome.

Also on Saturday the 8th, there will be a dinner at 5:00 at TAUNY in Canton, followed by music by Dan Berggren, singer/songwriter.

For more details and dinner reservations, go to https://www.indiancreeknaturecenterny.org/ .