Residency requirement law related to town clerk met with opposition in Canton

Posted 2/14/22

BY PAUL MITCHELL North Country This Week CANTON – A proposed local law to waive the residency requirement for Deputy Town Clerk Leanna Moquin was met with opposition from both town councilmen and …

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Residency requirement law related to town clerk met with opposition in Canton


North Country This Week

CANTON – A proposed local law to waive the residency requirement for Deputy Town Clerk Leanna Moquin was met with opposition from both town councilmen and one town resident.

Moquin, who resides in Morristown, was appointed deputy clerk in January by Town Clerk Heidi Smith. The concerns were not directed to Moquin’s ability to handle the job but the wording of the local law itself.

Smith said she did not know a residency law existed during the interview process. In all, 15 people applied for the job, five of the 15 candidates were Canton residents, and one of the five interviewed lived in the Town of Canton.

Canton resident Toby Irvin questioned the hiring process, initially inquiring whether there was a search committee. Smith said she and Councilman Bob Santamoor conducted the interviews and Santamoor agreed with her decision to appoint Moquin.

“It troubles me that only one person is choosing. I object to the proposed law as written,” Irvin stated. “The way this law is written is objectionable.”

Smith said when she learned of the residency law, she immediately went to Town Supervisor Mary Ann Ashley.

“I searched for the best person for the clerk’s office and the town. We looked for the best qualified person for the position,” said Smith. “I had already made the appointment. I brought it to the board for transparency. This would have gone differently would I have said Canton residency is a requirement.”

Councilman Bob Washo said the requirements for town clerk are being at least 18 years old and a resident of Canton.

“Five people from Canton who applied met the requirements for clerk but not deputy clerk,” Washo remarked. “It would be impossible for a deputy clerk to fill the requirements if the clerk’s position opens up.”

Councilman John Taillon made the motion to table the matter. The motion was seconded by Washo.

“I have questions for the attorney. I am not comfortable voting on this tonight,” said Taillon.

“We want to make sure we want to have it worded the way we want it,” stated Santamoor.

“We will hear more from the public and have a conversation with legal,” said Ashley.

The residency requirement issue is expected to be on the town board’s March 9 agenda.