Historical Association to host Civil War Round Table on Saturday in Canton

Posted 10/26/23

CANTON – Amy Truesdell will present “From Binghamton to the Battlefield: The Civil War Letters of Rollin B. Truesdell” as the topic of a Civil War Round Table (CWRT), on Saturday, Oct. 28, at …

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Historical Association to host Civil War Round Table on Saturday in Canton


CANTON – Amy Truesdell will present “From Binghamton to the Battlefield: The Civil War Letters of Rollin B. Truesdell” as the topic of a Civil War Round Table (CWRT), on Saturday, Oct. 28, at noon, hosted by the St. Lawrence County Historical Association (SLCHA),

Explore the experiences of author Truesdell's great-great-grandfather from the time he answered President Lincoln's first call for volunteers, until he mustered out of the Union Army.

Rollin served in the 27th NY Volunteers and was assigned to the same brigade as the 16th NY, a regiment recruited from St. Lawrence County.

Using the 100+ letters Rollin penned as a guide, Truesdell will share the arc of Rollin's experience as he transformed from an eager, raw recruit to a war-weary, battle-tested veteran.

All are welcome to attend, either in person at SLCHA, 3 East Main St., Canton (members free, $5.00 suggested donation for nonmembers); or RSVP to info@slcha.org to request the Zoom link to participate online.

Amy Truesdell is a writer and consultant whose appreciation of family and cultural history led her to narrate the Civil War experiences of her great-great-grandfather.

She previously served as a lead foreign affairs officer with the U.S. Department of State, specializing in conflict resolution in Central and East Africa.