Opinion: South Colton man write poem about Daylight Savings Time

Posted 3/6/23

To the Editor: Daylight Saving Time (DST) Beware of the government and DST They like to steal from you and me. They come in the spring and in the night And when you wake up they’re out of sight. …

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Opinion: South Colton man write poem about Daylight Savings Time


To the Editor:

Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Beware of the government and DST

They like to steal from you and me.

They come in the spring and in the night

And when you wake up they’re out of sight.

What have they taken with all their power?

They’ll say, “Don’t worry, it was just one hour.”


What could you do with “Just one hour?”

You could go for a walk and pick a flower,

Or mow the lawn around your home

Or even sit down and write a poem.

The hour was yours that they’ve taken away

It was more than an hour. They’ve shortened your day.


You could have invented something worth money

Now the loss isn’t so funny

You can’t retire on what wasn’t done

You can’t rejoice if there was no fun

DST will tell you, “Don’t worry at all,

We’ll give you your hour back in the fall.”

Warren S. Harman
South Colton