Community walk and raffles tomorrow at Lisbon school will benefit Parkinson’s Foundation

Posted 7/19/24

LISBON – Moving Day Community Walk is coming to Lisbon Saturday July 20.

The community is getting together to help raise awareness and funds for the Parkinson's Foundation.

The walk …

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Community walk and raffles tomorrow at Lisbon school will benefit Parkinson’s Foundation


LISBON – Moving Day Community Walk is coming to Lisbon Saturday July 20.

The community is getting together to help raise awareness and funds for the Parkinson's Foundation.

The walk will be held tomorrow at Lisbon Central School to benefit the Parkinson's Foundation.

The event is set to start at 10 a.m. with registration beginning at 9 a.m.

There is no fee for registration, however donations are accepted and will benefit the Parkinson's Foundation. Donations can also be made online here.

The event will also include more than 40 items that will be raffled off.

Items up for grabs include handmade quilts, gift cards and gift baskets.For more information contact organizer Danielle Beshaw at dnwint07@gmail.com

Community support will help the Parkinson's Foundation advance research, provide educational resources, and fund programs that make life better for people living with Parkinson's disease. To learn more about the Parkinson's Foundation, go to parkinson.org.