Book release


NORFOLK – A book release celebration and brief reading of the recently published book Beyond Belief by local author Jan Wojcik will be held at Sabad’’s Restaurant on Dec. 8 at 1:30 p.m.

The reading will be held after regular brunch. There will be complimentary snacks, coffee, tea and wine. The event is rescheduled from Dec. 1.

Beyond Belief, by Jan Wojcik has just been published.  About a third of its episodes recount events in his 40 years living on a farm in the North Country, raising sheep, poultry and vegetables and occasionally having encounters with men with guns in the dark. 

It’s available on Amazon and at Barnes and Nobel. 

The fuller story is about a boy who begins reading the Bible as literature at eleven years of age, after hearing a terrible sermon at his church, which led him to join and eventually to leave the Jesuit order and religion that refuses to read the Bible that way.  

Wojcik taught the Bible as literature at Purdue and Clarkson Universities.  He continues to love and read the Bible as literature into his 80’s.