HAMMOND -- Hammond Historical Museum will host its 6th annual Scottish Festival on Saturday, July 13, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The entrance fee is only $10/person, $5 for ages 6-16 & ages 5 and under are free to attend. New to the festival this year will be Youth Highland Games for ages 10-14, and additional food vendors. Kathy Sommer Trio with lively Celtic tunes & Clare Smith on the bagpipes. Hammond will be holding its community yard sale, starting at 8 a.m. The 5K Kilt Walk/Run will start at 8:30 a.m., with bagpiper Ray Purser leading the way. Sign up at 5K Kilt Run/Walk at hammondmuseum.com. Bagpiping, Hurdy Gurdy Duo, and HUGs (Hammond Ukulele Group that encourages lots of audience participation). Kilrush, a very spirited Celtic band as well as the talented & graceful Reel Ottawa Dancers. Robin Ward will give more lessons in Scottish country dance, penny whistle & Gaelic words throughout the day. “Battle on the Border” Highland games will include such competitions as stone tosses, Scottish hammers and the famous caber toss. Kids can have fun “storming the castle” via a great little obstacle course, or enjoying the small petting zoo or the “Wee Bairns” activity tent. Face painting will also be offered throughout the day.Throughout the grounds, one can explore family connections with clan representatives, purchase unique items from a variety of craft vendors, and interact with authentic weaving, spinning and blacksmithing demonstrators. ”Dress Like a Scot” photo booth, only $7 for individual or small groups. Historical displays, local artifacts & hands-on kids’ activities. Spinners, weavers and blacksmiths demonstrating their talents.Festival raffle at $10 per ticket. Tickets may be purchased at the museum, Dark Island Spirits, Alex Bay Big M or online at www.HammondMuseum.com. One must be 18 years or older to participate. Info: hammondmuseum.com.